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Starting a business is a major undertaking, and setting up an LLC (Limited Liability Company) requires careful consideration and planning. If you’re looking to get all the information you need to set up an LLC in Connecticut this year, you’ve come to the right place. This page will cover everything you need to know about setting up an LLC in Connecticut in 2023. Let’s get started! 

1. Choose a Business Name: The first step is to choose a name for your business that complies with state regulations. The name needs to include “Limited Liability Company” or one of its abbreviations (LLC or L.L.C.). It must also be distinguishable from any other businesses registered with the state of Connecticut. You can do a search on the Secretary of State website to make sure your chosen business name isn’t already taken. 

2. File Articles of Organization: Once you’ve selected your business name, it’s time to file Articles of Organization with the Secretary of State’s office in Hartford, CT. There is an online filing system available which makes the process much easier and faster than using paper forms. The Articles of Organization require basic information about your company such as its purpose, location, managers/members, and registered agent (if applicable). 

3. Obtain Licenses & Permits: Depending on the type of business you are running, there may be certain licenses and permits required by the state or local government before you can legally operate your business. Make sure to do thorough research ahead of time so that you can obtain all necessary permits before beginning operations. 

4. Create an Operating Agreement: An operating agreement outlines how your company will be run and managed by its members or managers (if applicable). It should include information such as membership rules, voting rights, liability protection for members/managers, financial reporting requirements, etc., as well as any other relevant information related to running your business effectively and efficiently. 

5. Open a Business Bank Account: Opening a separate bank account for your LLC is essential for keeping personal funds separate from those associated with running your business and tracking expenses accurately for tax purposes later on down the line. Most banks offer small-business banking accounts that make it easy to manage funds quickly and securely without having to use multiple accounts for different types of transactions or investments.

6 . Establish Tax Obligations: All businesses have some degree of tax obligations—and understanding them ahead of time can help save money when it comes time to file taxes at the end of each fiscal year. Federal taxes such as income tax are required regardless of where you live; however, state taxes vary depending on where your company is based out of—in this case Connecticut—so make sure to familiarize yourself with local requirements before filing any paperwork or making payments on behalf of your LLC.

7 . Register For Employer Identification Number (EIN): An EIN is essentially like a Social Security number but specifically for businesses; they are used by employers when filing taxes or opening bank accounts related to their companies in order for them to keep their personal finances separate from those associated with their businesses . Applying for one is quick and easy; just fill out form SS-4 online through the IRS website here , then wait until it arrives via mail within two weeks after submission .   

  • Keep Accurate Records: Documenting any major actions taken throughout the life cycle of setting up an LLC or any other type of legal entity is key when it comes time for tax season or audits down the line —so make sure not only keep these records safe but also organized so they’re easily accessible when needed ! This includes things like receipts , invoices , contracts , agreements , etc . —anything pertaining directly or indirectly related to running one’s company should be kept track off consistently!  
  • Maintain Compliance With Relevant Laws & Regulations: As mentioned earlier , certain laws governing how businesses are operated vary from state-to-state —so depending on where one lives , there may be additional requirements when setting up an LLC than what was listed above ! For example , if registering one’s company within Connecticut there might additional mandatory filings needed beyond just those outlined here —so make sure do thorough research ahead before getting started !   
  • Stay Up To Date On Changes In Relevant Laws & Regulations: Lastly , don’t forget that laws relating both federal & local regulations pertaining small businesses tend change often —so make sure stay informed about new developments relevant ones own field so one doesn’t miss out opportunities benefit his/her operations down road ! The Small Business Administration website offers great advice regarding topics like this so definitely take advantage it whenever possible !